The "True Rotarian" is the foundation of Rotary is always contributing to the Club by any measure and is the lifeblood of Rotary.
The qualities and traits of a True Rotarian are said to be someone who:
- Acts through goodwill and a belief that the world will be a better place as a result of their work in Rotary
- Has a Rotary Attitude
- Lives the 4 Way Test at all times
- Is humble, does not flatter wealth, or boast of their possessions or achievements
- Speaks with frankness - yet with sincerity and sympathy - and after having expressed an opinion, supports the activities of others even if the direction may not be parallel with their thinking
The Rotary Club of Summerside is very fortunate to have a diverse membership with many dedicated Rotarians. This year's recipient of the True Rotarian Award certainly exemplifies the desired qualities of the award and is a respected member of our Club and in our community.
We are pleased to announce that this year's True Rotarian Award recipient is Rotarian Paul Matheson.
Paul's contribution to "Service Above Self" is remarkable and commendable. He is always ready to lend a hand and has done just that in various ways since becoming a member of the Rotary Club of Summerside in 1994. He has rolled up his sleeves and volunteered in many fundraising events and club activities. He is always quick to respond when asked for help or advice and he has a "get the job done" attitude. He offers a sincere dedication to anything he gets involved with, which is noted and respected by his fellow Rotarians.
Paul is a true Rotarian in every sense of the word. He is a loyal member and spends countless hours working behind the scenes; not all jobs are glamorous. If you ask Paul to help out with a task, you can be sure of a job well done with thought and precision. While there are many reasons why he deserves this award, the following are a few examples of Paul's commitment:
- He was a significant part of our famous "Mulch Sale" back in the day and gave countless hours to ensure that this fundraiser was a success.
- He participated, supported and volunteered with the annual Mardi Gras Curling Event and the Pancake Breakfast over the years, and he is always the first to arrive and the last to leave.
- Paul continues to play a vital role in the annual Rotary Golf Tournament, a major annual fundraiser. Before each event, he can be found on the course, placing sponsor signs, taking them down after, and properly storing them for another year. Success for such events does not just happen; it comes from dedicated volunteers like Paul sticking to it and getting the job done.
- The Rotary Friendship Park was also a project close to Paul's heart and one he took particular interest in through the years. He was always there to lead the charge for the annual clean-up effort.
- Paul has recently stepped up to take over the Queen of Hearts Draw at our weekly meetings. He shows up early every Tuesday to get ready for the day's sales, and there aren't many Rotarians who can sneak past him without passing over their $2.00
Finally, Paul has played a vital role in the successful establishment of the Rotary Inspire Learning Centre and the most recent major renovation of the building. His property management knowledge and the fact that he is a jack of all trades meant he was well suited to assist this ambitious project. Paul acted as liaison between Rotary, building tenants and contractors, proving invaluable for the past number of years. He has been involved in every aspect of the Inspire Learning Centre, from foreman to tour guide. Paul sacrificed many days, evenings and weekends to ensure project timelines and budgets were priorities. He has worked hard to help us through the multiple stages of this significant project for our Club and our community.
This year's recipient is an excellent representation of a True Rotarian. Paul Matheson consistently demonstrates all of these traits in his everyday life and his 27 years spent as a member of Rotary.
His fellow Rotarians recognize Paul as a person with a strong sense of commitment to our Club, its members, our annual goals and visionary projects. We value his history with the Club, his time spent, his dedication, his participation in club activities, and his friendship.
As stated by a fellow Rotarian, "he is just a really SWELL guy."
Congratulations from fellow Rotarians of
The Rotary Club of Summerside
The Rotary Club of Summerside